Kurzy, školení, semináře a/nebo rekvalifikace # termíny kurzů: Production


KURZY : Production

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Synology productivity Architect 2024-10-03 Brno Synology productivity Architect * Dvoudenní modul poskytuje přehled produktů Synology pro produktivitu a spolupráci. Naučte se synchronizovat svá centrální data s klienty a dalšími umístěními, upravujte texty a tabulky současně se svými týmy a nastavte si svůj vlastní poštovní a chatovací server. Kurz je realizován hybridní formou, tedy současně prezenčně i virtuálně a každý účastník si může libovolně zvolit preferovanou formu výuky. Všichni účastníci mají zajištěn přístup do online labů, ve kte ...
AWS Cloud Essentials for Business Leaders – Financial Services 2024-06-10 Praha 7 In this course, you will lea the fundamental concepts of cloud computing and how a cloud strategy can help companies in the financial services industries (FSI) meet business objectives. It explores the advantages and possibilities of cloud computing in banking, insurance, capital markets, payments, and financial technology. The course addresses concepts such as security, fraud detection, analytics, and compliance to help facilitate discussions with line of business (LOB) professionals, inf ...
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer 2024-06-17 Brno Certified Kubernetes Application Developer * Course delivers basics of Kubernetes, an open-source platform for container orchestration. We’ll talk about Kubernetes architecture and look at how to move around. We’ll use practical examples to demonstrate the building blocks of an application running in Kubernetes and how to modify them. Course covers identical topics as course KUBER1 and adds topics that appear in the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer certification by Linux Foundation. T ...
AWS Cloud Essentials for Business Leaders 2024-06-24 Praha 7 In this course, you will lea the fundamental concepts of cloud computing and how a cloud strategy can help companies meet business objectives. It explores the advantages and possibilities of cloud computing. It also introduces addresses concepts such as security and compliance to help facilitate better discussions with line of business (LOB) professionals, information technology (IT) LoB, IT leaders, and executives. ...
IBM Integration Bus V10 Application Development I 2024-07-08 Praha IBM Integration Bus V10 Application Development I * This course teaches you how to use IBM Integration Bus to develop, deploy, and support message flow applications. These applications use various messaging topologies to transport messages between service requesters and service providers, and also allow the messages to be routed, transformed, and enriched during processing. In this course, you lea how to construct applications to transport and transform data. The course also explores how to ...
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer 2024-07-29 Praha Certified Kubernetes Application Developer * Course delivers basics of Kubernetes, an open-source platform for container orchestration. We’ll talk about Kubernetes architecture and look at how to move around. We’ll use practical examples to demonstrate the building blocks of an application running in Kubernetes and how to modify them. Course covers identical topics as course KUBER1 and adds topics that appear in the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer certification by Linux Foundation. T ...
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer 2024-08-12 Brno Certified Kubernetes Application Developer * Course delivers basics of Kubernetes, an open-source platform for container orchestration. We’ll talk about Kubernetes architecture and look at how to move around. We’ll use practical examples to demonstrate the building blocks of an application running in Kubernetes and how to modify them. Course covers identical topics as course KUBER1 and adds topics that appear in the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer certification by Linux Foundation. T ...
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer 2024-09-23 Praha Certified Kubernetes Application Developer * Course delivers basics of Kubernetes, an open-source platform for container orchestration. We’ll talk about Kubernetes architecture and look at how to move around. We’ll use practical examples to demonstrate the building blocks of an application running in Kubernetes and how to modify them. Course covers identical topics as course KUBER1 and adds topics that appear in the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer certification by Linux Foundation. T ...
IBM Integration Bus V10 Application Development I 2024-09-30 Praha IBM Integration Bus V10 Application Development I * This course teaches you how to use IBM Integration Bus to develop, deploy, and support message flow applications. These applications use various messaging topologies to transport messages between service requesters and service providers, and also allow the messages to be routed, transformed, and enriched during processing. In this course, you lea how to construct applications to transport and transform data. The course also explores how to ...
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer 2024-10-07 Brno Certified Kubernetes Application Developer * Course delivers basics of Kubernetes, an open-source platform for container orchestration. We’ll talk about Kubernetes architecture and look at how to move around. We’ll use practical examples to demonstrate the building blocks of an application running in Kubernetes and how to modify them. Course covers identical topics as course KUBER1 and adds topics that appear in the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer certification by Linux Foundation. T ...
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer 2024-11-18 Praha Certified Kubernetes Application Developer * Course delivers basics of Kubernetes, an open-source platform for container orchestration. We’ll talk about Kubernetes architecture and look at how to move around. We’ll use practical examples to demonstrate the building blocks of an application running in Kubernetes and how to modify them. Course covers identical topics as course KUBER1 and adds topics that appear in the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer certification by Linux Foundation. T ...
Zobrazeno celkem: 11 rekvalifikačních kurzů, školení a/nebo seminářů pro: Production


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Rekvalifikační kurzy a/nebo školení

Rekvalifikační kurzy | Manažerské kurzy | Komunikační a prezentační dovednosti | Obchod a prodejní dovednosti, logistika | Personalistika a osobnostní rozvoj | Marketingové kurzy | Účetní a daňové kurzy, mzdy a pojištění | Finanční kurzy | VŠ studium, BBA, MBA programy | Systémy řízení a ISO | Právo a legislativa | Počítačové a IT kurzy | Kancelářský software | Programování | Počítačová grafika | Podnikové informační systémy | Počítačové sítě | Zpracování dat | Virtualizace | Technické kurzy, doprava | Stavebnictví, nemovitosti, reality | Školství, zdravotnictví a sociální oblast | Jazykové kurzy | Sport, umění a ostatní kurzy


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