Kurzy, školení, semináře a/nebo rekvalifikace # termíny kurzů: Running


KURZY : Running

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...pouze: Praha

Název kurzu Termín kurzu Místo konání Popis rekvalifikačních kurzů a nebo školení
running Containers on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) 2024-06-25 Praha 7 Amazon EKS makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install, operate, and maintain your own Kubernetes control plane. In this course, you will lea container management and orchestration for Kubernetes using Amazon EKS. You will build an Amazon EKS cluster, configure the environment, deploy the cluster, and then add applications to your cluster. You will manage container images using Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) and lea how to automate application deplo ...
NSE5 FortiManager 2024-05-27 Praha 7 In this 2-days instructor-led classroom or online class, you will lea the fundamentals of using FortiManager for centralized network administration of many FortiGate devices. This course focuses on these areas of the FortiManager GUI: Device Manager Policy & Objects FortiGuard System Settings By its nature, this FortiManager course targets enterprise or other large networks. It highlights these scenarios: Single administrative domain with one policy pac ...
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer 2024-06-03 Praha Certified Kubernetes Application Developer * Course delivers basics of Kubernetes, an open-source platform for container orchestration. We’ll talk about Kubernetes architecture and look at how to move around. We’ll use practical examples to demonstrate the building blocks of an application running in Kubernetes and how to modify them. Course covers identical topics as course KUBER1 and adds topics that appear in the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer certification by Linux Foundation. T ...
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer 2024-07-29 Praha Certified Kubernetes Application Developer * Course delivers basics of Kubernetes, an open-source platform for container orchestration. We’ll talk about Kubernetes architecture and look at how to move around. We’ll use practical examples to demonstrate the building blocks of an application running in Kubernetes and how to modify them. Course covers identical topics as course KUBER1 and adds topics that appear in the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer certification by Linux Foundation. T ...
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer 2024-09-23 Praha Certified Kubernetes Application Developer * Course delivers basics of Kubernetes, an open-source platform for container orchestration. We’ll talk about Kubernetes architecture and look at how to move around. We’ll use practical examples to demonstrate the building blocks of an application running in Kubernetes and how to modify them. Course covers identical topics as course KUBER1 and adds topics that appear in the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer certification by Linux Foundation. T ...
Migrating to AWS 2024-06-25 Praha 7 Migrating to AWS focuses on planning and migrating existing workloads to the AWS Cloud. The course covers various cloud migration strategies with a detailed discussion on each phase of the migration process, including portfolio discovery, application migration planning and design, migration execution, and post-migration validation and application optimization. The first part of the course provides students with an overview of migration planning principles and best practices, and the second half ...
Zobrazeno celkem: 6 rekvalifikačních kurzů, školení a/nebo seminářů pro: Running


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Rekvalifikační kurzy | Manažerské kurzy | Komunikační a prezentační dovednosti | Obchod a prodejní dovednosti, logistika | Personalistika a osobnostní rozvoj | Marketingové kurzy | Účetní a daňové kurzy, mzdy a pojištění | Finanční kurzy | VŠ studium, BBA, MBA programy | Systémy řízení a ISO | Právo a legislativa | Počítačové a IT kurzy | Kancelářský software | Programování | Počítačová grafika | Podnikové informační systémy | Počítačové sítě | Zpracování dat | Virtualizace | Technické kurzy, doprava | Stavebnictví, nemovitosti, reality | Školství, zdravotnictví a sociální oblast | Jazykové kurzy | Sport, umění a ostatní kurzy


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