Kurzy, školení, semináře a/nebo rekvalifikace # termíny kurzů: Successful


KURZY : Successful

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PRINCE2 Practitioner 5. edice 2024-05-23 Praha 7 Tento 2 denní kurz prohlubuje, propojuje a prakticky procvičuje znalosti metodiky řízení projektů PRINCE2 podle verze manuálu pro řízení projektů PRINCE2 z roku 2009. Zároveň tento kurz na názorných příkladech ukazuje, jak je možné metodiku PRINCE2 přizpůsobit potřebám daného projektu. Na konci kurzu je možné složit mezinárodní certifikační zkoušku PRINCE2 Practitioner v českém jazyku. Výuka probíhá v českém jazyku s použitím českých materiálů a terminologie vzhledem k jazyku certifikační z ...
RH134 - Red Hat System Administration II 2024-05-13 Praha 7 Build the skills to perform the key tasks needed to become a full-time Linux administrator Red Hat System Administration II (RH134) serves as the second part of the RHCSA training track for IT professionals who have taken Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) . The course goes deeper into core Linux system administration skills in storage configuration and management, installation and deployment of Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®, management of security features such as SELinux, control of recurrin ...
ITIL4 Foundation + Exam 2024-05-21 Praha 7 The course covers the best practice framework of ITIL 4 at a foundational level. Students lea about the service value system (SVS), the four dimensions of service management, the service value chain, the 7 guiding principles, and service management practices. ITIL 4 is a non-prescriptive, industry best practice providing a vendor-neutral, technology-agnostic framework to address service management challenges by reshaping much of the established ITSM practices in the wider context of custo ...
RH342 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 2024-05-27 Praha 7 The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting course (RH342) provides system administrators with the tools and techniques they need to successfully diagnose, and fix, a variety of potential issues. Students will work through hands-on problems in various subsystems to diagnose and fix common issues.   Audience The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting course is aimed at senior system administrators who wish to lea more about troubleshooting. ...
ITIL 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value + Exam 2024-05-27 Praha 7 The adoption of ITIL as the most widely used guidance in the world on IT and service management continues with ITIL 4. It ensures continuity with existing ways of working (where service management is already successful) by integrating mode and emerging practices with established and proven know-how. ITIL 4 also helps individuals and organizations see the benefits of new methods and move toward using them with confidence, focus, and minimal disruption. ITIL 4’s holistic approach raises the ...
Professional corporate communication - Elevate your business communication skills 2024-05-29 Praha 1 How do you professionally say you need something? Are you aware that different phrases have distinct meanings in the context of culture and native language? Step into the world of professional corporate communication, where mastering the right language and tone plays a crucial role in your success. Our course will help you develop the skills needed ...
Intercultural communication without borders - Navigating diversity: Intercultural communication mastery 2024-06-10 Praha 1 Do you want to navigate the intricacies of intercultural communication seamlessly? Welcome to 'Intercultural Communication Beyond Borders,' where we break down barriers and build bridges across cultures. In today's globalized world, understanding cultural nuances is paramount for effective communication and collaboration. Join us on a journey to ex ...
RH403 - Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration 2024-06-17 Praha 7 Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration (RH403) is a lab-based course that explores the concepts and methods necessary for successful large-scale management of Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® systems. You will lea how to configure Red Hat Satellite 6 on a server and populate it with software packages. You will use Red Hat Satellite to manage the software development life cycle of a subscribed host and its configuration, and lea how to provision hosts integrated with software and Ansible® configuration ...
Effective remote team leadership - Remote team leadership and management master class 2024-06-20 Online Now is the perfect time to enhance your skills in remote team management. We will focus on key aspects of effective leadership in an online environment. We will unlock the mental framework within remote team leadership, focusing on conflict prevention and building natural motivation, crucial for individual and collective self-regulation. Additional ...
AD183 - Red Hat Aplication Development I: Programming in Java EE 2024-07-08 Praha 7 Helping Java SE developers write Java EE applications. Red Hat Application Development I: Programming in Java EE (AD183) exposes experienced Java Standard Edition (Java SE) developers to the world of Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE). This course is based on Red Hat® Enterprise Application Platform 7.0. In this course, you will lea about the various specifications that make up Java EE. Through hands-on labs, you will transform a simple Java SE command line application into a multi-tiered ...
Effective remote team leadership - Remote team leadership and management master class 2024-09-19 Online Now is the perfect time to enhance your skills in remote team management. We will focus on key aspects of effective leadership in an online environment. We will unlock the mental framework within remote team leadership, focusing on conflict prevention and building natural motivation, crucial for individual and collective self-regulation. Additional ...
Představení konkrétního auditu zaměřeného na IT (původní termín konání 6. března 2024) 2024-05-27 Praha 2 ...
Praktické dovednosti pro výkon interního auditu 2024-06-03 Praha 2 ...
Zobrazeno celkem: 13 rekvalifikačních kurzů, školení a/nebo seminářů pro: Successful


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