Kurzy, školení, semináře a/nebo rekvalifikace # termíny kurzů: Differences


KURZY : Differences

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Running Containers on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) 2024-06-25 Praha 7 Amazon EKS makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install, operate, and maintain your own Kubernetes control plane. In this course, you will lea container management and orchestration for Kubernetes using Amazon EKS. You will build an Amazon EKS cluster, configure the environment, deploy the cluster, and then add applications to your cluster. You will manage container images using Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) and lea how to automate application deplo ...
LS520 - Red Hat Learning Subscription Premium Květen 2024 Praha 7 What is the difference between RHLS Standard and Premium: additionally to all the features that are included in Standard Subscription, RHLS Premium contains instructor-led live courses. Live courses are the most valued form of training, as the participants can interact in the group and ask questions to the Red Hat instructor. These instructor-led ... [Termín kurzu bude upřesněn]
DO480 - Multicluster Management with Red Hat OpenShift Platform Plus 2024-06-24 Praha 7 Enhance container management capabilities with automation, governance, and security across clusters. Multicluster Management with Red Hat OpenShift Platform Plus teaches the skills required to maintain a diverse portfolio of applications, running across a fleet of OpenShift clusters. Applications follow placement rules determined by capacity and criticality; cluster configurations comply with governance and security policies; all automated according to DevOps principles. This course is based on ...
IBM Cognos Analytics: Author Reports Advanced (V11.1.x)IBM Cognos Analytics - Author Reports Advanced (v11.1.x) 2024-05-16 Praha This course teaches experienced authors advanced report building techniques to enhance, customize, manage, and distribute reports. Additionally, the student will lea how to create highly interactive and engaging reports that can be run offline by creating Active Reports. ...
Professional corporate communication - Elevate your business communication skills 2024-05-29 Praha 1 How do you professionally say you need something? Are you aware that different phrases have distinct meanings in the context of culture and native language? Step into the world of professional corporate communication, where mastering the right language and tone plays a crucial role in your success. Our course will help you develop the skills needed ...
ITIL 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support + Exam 2024-06-03 Praha 7 ITIL 4 takes a holistic approach to building and modifying technology-enabled services from demand to value. The Create, Deliver and Support (CDS) course is  about utilizing service management, adapting and adopting best practices, and using the ITIL service value system (SVS) framework to facilitate value co-creation in organizations. The CDS course provides practical guidance for those who work within the broad scope of technology-enabled services. CDS also provides clear guidance on how t ...
AWS Security Essentials 2024-05-13 Praha 7 This course is intended for: IT business-level professionals interested in cloud security practices Security professionals with minimal working knowledge of AWS Course Objectives In this course, you will lea> to: Identify security benefits and responsibilities when using the AWS Cloud Describe the access control and management feat ...
Apache Spark for Data Engineers - Advanced Optimizations 2024-05-16 Praha 7 Apache Spark je distribuovaný výpočetní engine, který poskytuje unifikovaný framework pro zpracování velkých objemů dat, interaktivní analýzu, machine learning, analýzu grafu a streaming. V průběhu posledních několika let se stává standardem pro zpracování těchto workloadů a to nejen v prostředí velkých dat. Jedním z důvodů proč roste popularita Sparku je také jeho programové API, neboli tzv. DataFramy, které nabízejí univerzální datovou abstrakci, již je možné použít ve všech výše zmíněných obl ...
AWS Cloud Financial Management for Builders 2024-05-28 Praha 7 This course is for individuals who seek an understanding of how to manage, optimize, and predict costs as you run workloads on AWS. You lea how to implement architectural best practices, explore cost optimization strategies, and design patterns to help you architect cost-efficient solutions on AWS. Audience This course is intended for: Solutions architects Developers Cost-optimization leads System administrators ...
DO313 - Red Hat Single Sign-On Administration 2024-06-03 Praha 7 Introduction to configuring and managing Red Hat Single Sign-On for authenticating and authorizing applications Red Hat Single Sign-On Administration (DO313) is designed for system administrators who want to install, configure and manage Red Hat Single Sign-On servers for securing applications. Lea about the different ways to authenticate and authorize applications using single sign-on standards like OAuth and OpenID Connect (OIDC). You will also lea how to install and configure Red Hat SIng ...
Intercultural communication without borders - Navigating diversity: Intercultural communication mastery 2024-06-10 Praha 1 Do you want to navigate the intricacies of intercultural communication seamlessly? Welcome to 'Intercultural Communication Beyond Borders,' where we break down barriers and build bridges across cultures. In today's globalized world, understanding cultural nuances is paramount for effective communication and collaboration. Join us on a journey to ex ...
Zobrazeno celkem: 11 rekvalifikačních kurzů, školení a/nebo seminářů pro: Differences


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